Free Style – a mixture of techniques including acupressure and face cupping when needed
Gua sha – Increases the Qi flow
Facial gua sha is an ancient traditional technique used in Chinese Medicine. “Gua sha” literally translates as “scraping sand” but this is a bit misleading. “Gua” means the technique of scraping the skin and “sha” actually refers to transitory therapeutic petechiae…tiny little red or purple spots of blood that result from broken capillaries. Thus gua sha is a scraping technique that uses an instrument to bring up the “sha” for therapeutic benefit.
When the Qi (vital energy) is flowing uninhibited, the blood circulation and lymphatic flow will be optimal. This allows for efficient cell regeneration and tissue repair. Studies have shown that gua sha can increase blood flow, improve lymphatic drainage, increase immune function and reduce allergic responses. This results in increased tissue healing, increased cell protection from oxidative damage, reduced inflammation, reduced fever, and reduced pain. These effects have been measured immediately after treatment and for several days following gua sha treatment.