108 Sun Salutations
On Saturday 21/03 at 10:00 am we invite you to the practice of 108 Greetings to the Sun, Sūrya Namaskār सूर्यनमस्कार in view of the vernal equinox.
A demanding practice that rejuvenates and detoxifies body and spirit and confronts us with ourselves! The challenge is undoubtedly great but particularly rewarding for the benefits it will have on your mind and body.
The practice of greetings in the sun, is a sequence of 12 asanas dedicated, according to the Indian tradition of God Surya. In the traditional execution of the Greeting, each asana corresponds to a mantra to honor God & the gift of the fruity sun to humans.
Number 108 in Hindu tradition is a sacred number:
– 108 is said to have been the sacred texts of the Upanishads,
– 108 are the energy channels, Nadis, ending in the anahata chakra
– There are 108 Upanishads and 108 Puranas (classical Sanskrit texts)
– According to Indian tradition there are 108 earthly desires, 108 lies that people say, 108 forms of hallucinations and 108 emotions.
– 108 is the secret number of Pythagoras
– 108 ° is the call to many ancient monuments such as the Parthenon and the Pyramids
– 108 are the names of Shiva and Buddha
– According to Tantra, we breathe about 21,600 times a day, of which 10800 times breathe solar energy and 10800 lunar energy (108 x100 = 10800).
– There are 108 sacred geographical locations (Pithas) in India
– 108 names of Indian deities,
– 108 sacred points on the body, marma points, something akin to acupuncture points
– 108 are the beads of a mala,
– 108 is considered the number of the perfection of being, since 108 symbolizes the nature of the universe, which is (1) unique, (0) empty and (8) infinite.
– there are 108 sacred places in India (pithas),
– but also Earth, Moon and Sun are associated with number 108 since the distance between Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance between the Earth and the Moon is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
If you are wondering why such a practice would be beneficial, suffice it to say that during and after this personal marathon practice, the benefits are many both on the mental and physical levels. Some examples include:
* The practice of greeting in the sun is a complete exercise for the whole body
* Extend and extend different muscle groups in succession
* Increases physical flexibility and endurance
* Chakras energy centers are cleaned and unblocked
* Deep breathing caused by performing asanas stimulates the respiratory system
* Strengthens muscles, belly becomes flat and spine develops more flexibility
* Gives mental and physical well-being, clearness of mind, tranquility and discomfort while giving better concentration.
Following the practice will be followed by a refreshing yoga nidra practice that will nourish our tired muscles but also the spirit, following our personal path to 108.
Bring along your mattress, a towel, a bottle of water and your decision to grow it together through this purifying practice. We also suggest that you bring a warmer dress or blanket or whatever you like best to keep you warm during yoga nidra as the body temperature will drop significantly.
See you on your mats yoga lovers ??♀️???♂️
Directed by: Stathoula Palivou
Entry: Free contribution